Maria Ifoastri, Teguh Bagus Nur Cahyo, Yayuk Ngesti Rahayu, R. Ratnawati


The phenomenon that occurs is that the food and beverage sub-sector in Indonesia is currently one of the mainstays of supporting the growth of manufacturing and the national economy. All activities carried out by the company always require funds, both to finance daily operational activities and to finance long-term infestations. The research objective is to analyze and test the effect of working capital management and capital intensity on the profitability of manufacturing companies. The population in this study is the Consumer Goods Industry Sector which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The research results of working capital management affect profitability, capital intensity has a significant negative effect on profitability and working capital management and intensity capital together has an impact on profitability.

JEL: D24; G31; L60; L66

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profitability, capital intensity, working capital

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