The main purpose of this research is to create an educational environment including real mathematical problems that can be solved through the interdisciplinary approach and inductive methods and to examine the change brought about by this environment in terms of the opinions and perspectives of special talented students related to the mathematics discipline. The study was conducted in Kayseri Province through the project “Mathematics Energising in Nature and Structures” supported within the context of Nature Education and Science Schools Support Program of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (STRCT). The study group of this research is composed of 35 special talented students (22 males, 13 females) going on the project education at 9th and 10th grade in the science and art centre (SAC) in Ankara province during 2017-2018 academic year. In this study, the case study method, one of the qualitative research approaches, was used so as to examine the opinions of the students before and after the project process. Pre-interview through the semi-structured interview form before the project period and post-interview after the project period were conducted to the students in the study, and the data obtained about how the students were affected by the case were analysed. Upon the practice, it was determined that there were some findings indicating that it enabled the students to associate mathematics with the other disciplines and real life. It was concluded that the scientific activities carried out in informal learning environments significantly increased the attitudes of the students attending the science camp towards the science after the practice when compared to case before the practice, and that these activities also brought about positive changes in the perspectives of the students on science, scientific knowledge, and scientific environments.
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