Social development is a continuous concept as are physical and psychological development which gradually evolves toward perfection. The objective of present study is to examine the association of self-efficiency and self-esteem with social development of male athletic and non-athletic adolescents. The statistical population of present study includes all male students of high schools in Malekan Town. The statistical sample is composed of 110 non-athletic students and 110 athletic students playing in group sports of volleyball, basketball, futsal, handball and football for more than four consecutive years with age range of 16±1.5 years who are selected through random cluster sampling. The instruments of data collection in the present study are Weitzman's social development standard (1991), Coopersmith self-esteem inventory (1967). In addition, the measurement of self-efficiency is done through general self-efficacy scale (Sherer, 1982). The results of present study show that self-esteem and self-efficiency have significantly positive association with social development.
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