Thi Truc Ly Bui, Thanh Hiep Mai, Thao Nguyen Nguyen


It is not deniable that pronunciation is considered one of the most crucial parts of learning English helping learners enhance their communication in both speaking and listening comprehension. To reach a level of a clear and precise pronunciation has never been an effortless task; however, it is a far more problematic one for English majored students regardless of their learning years. For this reason, the study entitled “Common Errors in Pronouncing Dental Sounds of English-Majored Sophomores at Tay Do University” was implemented with the aim at investigating the errors that English-majored students encountered in pronouncing dental sounds. 80 English-majored sophomores from course 14 at Tay Do University were selected to participate in the study. Questionnaires and recording tests were delivered to the participants for collecting data and getting more information. The collected data from the two instruments mentioned above was all analyzed afterward. The findings of the research revealed that sophomores of English major often mispronounced the dental sounds, including omission and substitution. The results of this study may also be useful for those who are interested in this field.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v6i5.3892


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