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Rachmawati, Sany, Professional Psychology Masters Program (PSMPP), Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I. Jakarta, Indonesia
Radoja, Dukata, Doct. Student, European University of Tirana, Albania
Rahimah, R., Master of Science in Development Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia
Rahman, Ashrafur, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Moulovibazar District, Bangladesh
Rahman, Mahmood, Department of Education, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Rahman, Mehedi Hasan Md. Hefzur, Professor, Business Administration Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh
Rahman, Mohammed Mahafuzur, B.Sc. Engineer (Civil), Executive Engineer Chattagram Development Authority (CDA) Bangladesh
Rahmanta, R., Dr. Ir. M.Si, Lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Rahmat, Noor Hanim, Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Rahmat, Noor Hanim, Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Rahmayani, S., Faculty Psychology, University Persada Indonesia Y.A.I, Indonesia
Rahmayani, Susan, Professional Psychology Masters Program (PSMPP), Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I. Jakarta, Indonesia
Raikou, Natassa, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Patras, Rion Campus, Rion Patras, 26504 Patras, Greece
Ramalho, Nelson, Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa, LusoGlobe - Lusófona Centre on Global Challenges, Portugal
Ramalho, Vanda, Universidade Lusíada – Instituto Superior de Serviço Social de Lisboa, Centro Lusíada de Investigação em Serviço Social e Intervenção Social, Portugal
Ranjan Puhan, Rasmi, Assistant Professor, KIIT School of Social Sciences, (KISS) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Rapatzikou, Konstantina, Department of Psychology, European University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Raptou, Evangelia G., PhD student, University of the Aegean, Riga Fereou 5, GR-402 00 Elassona, Greece
Rashid, Mamunor, Mass Communication and Journalism Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna -9208, Bangladesh
Ratnayake, Samantha, PhD, Postgraduate Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Raufu, Abiodun, Department of Administration of Justice, Texas Southern University, 3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, Texas 77004, U.S.A.
Ravindran, Vimalan, Faculty of Business and Technology, UNITAR International University, Tierra Crest, Jalan SS6/3, 47301 Kelana Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Razali, Nor Amirul Asraf, Research Management Centre, NIOSH, Malaysia
Reis, Ana Maria, Arronches School Group, Rua do Telheiro, 7340-001 Arronches, Portugal
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