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Cabalida, Edgardo S., Supervisor, Department of Education, Dipolog City, Philippines, Faculty, Graduate School, Andres Bonifacio College, Dipolog City, Philippines
Cabaluna, Johdel C., RN, PhD, Assistant Professor, Adamson University, Manila, Philippines
Caday, Ma. Aurora T., LPT, DBA, University Research Director, Universidad De Manila, Philippines
Cadusale, Cathy O., MSDeA, University of Southeastern Philippines, Philippines
Can, Bui Thi, PhD, Vinh University, Vietnam
Canda, Edgardo G., EdD., LPT, University Researcher and Statistician, Universidad De Manila, Philippines
Canlas, Harycane L., Student, College of Criminal Justice Education, University of Mindanao, Bolton Street, Davao City, 8000, Philippines
Caraquil, Joey A., ORCID: 0000-0003-2561-7843 Assistant Professor II, EdD, Southern Leyte State University Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines
Cardenas, Jr., Andre A., Master of Science in Criminal Justice Professional Schools, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
Cardoso, Luís, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal
Caskey, Jacqueline, Dr., Dyslexic.Qld.Com, orcid.org/0000-0002-3487-7711
Castanho, Matilde, Student of the Master in Media and Society, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal
Castro, Miguel, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal
Ceballo, Emma C., MAED, MS, RPm, RGC, LPT, Faculty, University of Mindanao, Philippines
Chacha, Babere Kerata, Senior Lecturer, Laikipia University, Kenya
Chacha, Babere Kerata, Lecturer, Department of Public Affairs and Environmental Studies, Laikipia University, P.O. Box 1100, Nyahururu, Kenya
Chaidas, Alexandros, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education, University of Patras, Greece
Charley, Francis Benson, Lecturer, Rev., Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
Chau, To Minh, PhD Student, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM, Vietnam and Faculty of Geography, An Giang University, VNU-HCM, Vietnam
Chau, To Minh, Department of Geography, An Giang University, An Giang, Vietnam Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Chazireni, Evans, Department of Physics, Geography and Environmental Science, Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Chazireni, Evans, Department of Physics Geography and Environmental Science, School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
Chazireni, Evans, Department of Physics, Geography and Environmental Science, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
Chazireni, Evans, Department of Physics, Geography and Environmental Science, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
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