Comparative effect of rural road transportation on cassava production among rural farmers in Abia State was conducted in Abia State, Nigeria. A sample size of 144 respondents was realized, using multi-stage purposive and randomized methods. Data generated using questionnaire and participant observations were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Result revealed mean ages of 31.9, 32.7 and 33.1 years for Ohafia, Umuahia, and Aba Zones respectively. About 88.3, 70.8, and 87.5 % respectively of the respondents were married and 58.3, 37.5, and 54.2 % respectively were males. A mean farm- size of 1.87, 0.9, and 1.25 hectares respectively were recorded in the three zones. A monthly mean income of ₦30,208.33, ₦23,645.80, and ₦30,687.50 respectively were also recorded in the three Zones. Result equally revealed that trekking (100%) pick – up van (73.6 %), motor cycle (72.2%), cycling (66.7%), and bus (56.6%) respectively were the dominant modes of rural road transportation. Rural road transportation affected cassava production via sales of produce (2.40), ranked 1st. total income (2.33) ranked 2nd, storage (2.30) ranked 3rd, quality of produce (2.15) ranked 4th, and harvesting (2.13) ranked 5th respectively. H01 is accepted since ZTAB (-418) > ZCal (-0.0324), therefore, there was significant difference between the modes of rural road transportation in the three Zones. H02 was rejected since Гs = 0.928 which implies that there was significant relationship between the three Zones. The study concludes that rural road transportation affected cassava production negatively when the roads are poor and modes of transportation slow and positively when the roads are good and modes of transport fast. The study recommends the re–introduction of Directorate of Rural Roads and Infrastructural (DIFFRR) as was the case in the 80s this will ensure the maintenance of rural roads and the evacuation of agricultural produce mostly in the study area.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Leo. Onwukamike Obinna, Joy. C. I. Ukoha

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