Since the dawn of time, women generally have had fewer legal rights and status in society than their male counterparts. The continuous subordination and suppression of women are further aggravated by traditions, cultural beliefs and religions of most societies which favor patriarchy. Using the radical feminist approach, the present paper attempts an exploration of patriarchy as an aspect of culture which helps to subordinate women as highlighted in Nawal El Saadawi’s A Woman at Point Zero (1983), Buchi Emecheta’s The Joys of Motherhood (1979), and Amma Darko’s Beyond the Horizon (1995). It also examines the steps taken by the women to free themselves from the “chains” of male domination and oppression. The study revealed that cultural practices such as polygamy, female genital mutilation and sexual abuse facilitate the abuse, subjugation and oppression of women in the novels under study. The study has implications for the theory of feminism and literary criticisms.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Doris Nyanta, Gabriel Kwame Ankrah, Opoku Kwasi

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