Tourism is viewed as one of the largest and fastest growing industries at the global level. Developing countries often see it as a low-hanging fruit in terms of stimulating economic development. A variety of perspectives has been explored in the study of tourism. However, one of the least researched issues is that of the demographic characteristics of the sector. Hence, there is a need to explore it. This study focusing on Masvingo Urban (Zimbabwe) examines several demographic features of the tourism industry. They include: age, gender, education as well as designation, nature and type of organization and experience. The data collection exercise was conducted in May, 2018. It is recommended that more such studies should be conducted so as to achieve more holistic views on the subject. Since women in the industry are outnumbered by men, there is a need to employ more of them in order to balance up the numbers. Although this study only focuses on Masvingo, there is a need to explore the issues at both national and regional levels so that policies can be drawn with a view to improve the situation.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Phanos Matura, Jemitias Mapira

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