The present study intends to highlight the issues and policies of government and its impact on tribal youth in particular and their families in general to develop their educational as well as their economic status. At the same time the study, also focus on the factors responsible for their unemployment along with the suggestions for improvement in the present status. To explore all these ideas four objectives are framed along with same number of research questions. After a critical analysis we find that the present policies and issues made by the government are praise worthy but the implementation level is not at all fruitful in the grass root level. For that we have made some suggestions for up-gradation of the present situation for tribals like: strict implementation of reservation of seats in public sector employment, proper looking into reservation of seats in institutions of higher learning, formulation of proper welfare schemes for prosperity of tribals based on fact data, in private sector also these should be reservations for schedule tribes. The present 7.5% of reservation for government services should be increased whenever necessary.
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