Jacqueline Caskey


This study explores the support and services utilised by adult students with dyslexia in five Australian TAFE Colleges In this study, adult students with dyslexia were completing Certificate III and above programs in Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Colleges. In exploring the support provided in TAFE, Disability Officers were utilised in the provision of support and servicing adult students. As identified that Disability Officers, not only offered services to adult students with dyslexia, they became their critical friends and aided in social settings external to the TAFE Colleges. The methodology was an embedded case study, which utilised semi-structured interview questions, in 28 participants. The theories used were Lipsky’s (1983, 2010) Street-Level Bureaucracy and Fine and Sirin’s (2007) Hyphenated-Self. A foundational method as developed in this study, known as the Relational: Hyphenated-Self to explain the inclusion and exclusion perceived by adult students with dyslexia as they were progressing in TAFE.


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relational being; hyphenated-self; relationships; dyslexia; TAFE

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2484

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