The purpose of this research is to examine the success of the sport in schools and amateur sports clubs in Afyonkarahisar. This study aims to determine the rankings of students' achievements in amateur sports clubs and school sports, considering various variables. A total of 80 amateur sports clubs in Afyonkarahisar city center and 184 school teams participating in sports competitions were examined, and their success statuses were ranked. This research used a descriptive research model that aims to describe existing facts as they are. A descriptive research model is an approach that aims to describe a situation as it currently exists (Karasar, 2012). For the study, statistics from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (GSİM) and the Ministry of National Education (MEM) for the years 2015-2020 were collected. This included data on the number of amateur sports clubs, the number of athletes, sports branches, the number of athletes going to national teams, student numbers from the Ministry of National Education, facility numbers, and success statistics. Descriptive statistics of the data were collected, and a descriptive data analysis was performed. The normality of distribution was checked in data analysis, and a normality test was conducted. Descriptive statistics (frequency distribution) were used in the statistical analysis of the obtained data. At the end of the research, reasons for the lower-than-expected sports success in schools and amateur sports clubs in Afyonkarahisar were identified, and descriptive findings on solutions were provided.
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