In overcoming stress disorders in students, special media are needed that are able to be a stimulus in learning management and individual stress. Action or effort that can be done is to use music therapy techniques. Sape' or also called Sampe is a musical instrument or instrument originating from the Dayak Kenyah and Kayan tribes. The purpose of this study is to apply Sape Dayak music therapy for junior high school students who are prone to stress. This study uses a quantitative approach, with the type of pre-experimental method with one group pre- and post-design. Where the population in this research is class X Aceh Singkil Muhammadiyah Middle School Students, with a total of 31 students. data collection technique using a stress measurement instrument, namely DASS 42. Music therapy has an effect on reducing stress levels in class X students of SMP Muhammadiyah Gunung Meriah. On the first day and the second day of the study, there was a significant difference between stress levels before and after music therapy was carried out in the X grade group of Aceh Singkil Muhammadiyah Middle School Students. Thus, it can be concluded that music therapy has an effect on reducing stress levels in the class X group of Aceh Singkil Muhammadiyah Middle School Students.
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