Maria Fousteri, Paraskevi Foti


The diverse and rapidly evolving society at political, social and technological levels makes Universal Education Planning based on the principles of Differentiated Instruction and the Project method a necessary condition. In accordance with the recommendation of the European Parliament and UNESCO, inclusive education needs to be consolidated. This paper attempts to show that a holistic approach to the Arts can be a main instrument for a pluralistic education space that responds to the wide range of diversity of children. The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to explore through a literature review the contribution of Arts to the development of a holistic approach to Early Childhood Education for all children without exception. Subsequently, a survey will be examined whether Preschool Educators are aware of and implement Art programs based on the modern pedagogical practice of Universal Educational Planning. The method used is quantitative data analysis using SPSS with random sampling after the distribution of a questionnaire after approval of the Ethics Committee of the Educators regardless of their level of study working in Primary Kindergartens in different regions of Attica. The conclusions that will emerge from the analysis of the data will be useful for the field of Early Childhood Education, because they will be the trigger for further investigation in order to ensure the implementation of effective teaching practices, such as Differentiated Instruction & the Project Method and, by extension, Universal Design for Learning in the field of Early Childhood Education.


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universal design of education, differentiated instruction, method project, arts approach, early childhood

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