Understanding parental ECEC choices and selection mechanisms receives increased attention at the research and policy level as ECEC decision-making has important implications both for policy development and program design. The present study aimed at exploring the processes and mechanisms adopted by parents in Cyprus and in the Netherlands while deciding on and selecting an ECEC program for their child. Research results revealed that participants have opted to enroll their child for professional, socialization, learning and development reasons. Social networks and the internet were the primary sources of information about available programs. Turning to the criteria that matter most, instructional and structural characteristics received higher ratings. Most of the aspects of the decision-making process have been affected by whether parents were natives or immigrants. Results highlight that the decision-making process is a complex phenomenon and that parents need to tradeoff intrinsic or extrinsic characteristics while selecting an ECEC program.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i3.4714
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