V. Oyedele, W. Chikwature, O. Oyedele, Kadenha C.


This project explored the occurrence of drug abuse and its academic implications to students at three secondary schools in Mutasa Central area in Mutasa District. The study used the mixed method research design which combines qualitative and quantitative approaches in one study to answer research questions. The study population for this research comprised 48 secondary school teachers, 3 school heads and 150 students. Random sampling was employed to select the sample for classes within each form. Simple random sampling was used to select 8 senior school prefects for focus group discussions. School heads were selected for the study through purposive sampling for interviews. The main findings were that teachers did not teach anything about drug use during lessons as they concentrated on their subject content. They had some experience in dealing with drug problems in the schools. The main reasons why students took drugs was influence of peer pressure and lack of models at home. The most common drugs taken by students were tobacco and beer obtained from friends and road side markets. Schools experienced conflicts between teachers and students and students performed poorly in examinations as a result of drug abuse in schools. The main recommendations were made were that  the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education must formalize and support establishment of vibrant guidance and counselling system in schools and  school administrators must establish vibrant guidance and counselling departments which effected individual and peer counselling. Teachers should incorporate drug education in the teaching-learning of other subjects and schools should invite guest speakers to address students on danger of drug abuse.


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drug, drug abuse, drug addition, illegal drug, legal drug, substance abuse, strategies, protective factors, risk factors, youth, child, adolescent, puberty, academic implications, students


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.309


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Copyright (c) 2018 V. Oyedele, W. Chikwature, O. Oyedele, Kadenha C.

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