This study sought to establish the extent to which Inclusive Education was being implemented in teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe. The interpretivism paradigm, qualitative methodology and multiple case studies guided this study. Homogenous purposeful sampling and snowballing techniques were adopted to draw up a sample of eight (8) key informants and seventeen (17) participants. Data were generated using the researcher as a primary instrument, face-to-face interviews, direct observation guide and document analysis guide. Thematic data analysis and NVivo Qualitative software analysis were used to present and analyse data. The major findings were that students with disabilities were enrolled in teachers’ colleges though there were no clear enrolment procedures differences. Further it was revealed that the curriculum in teachers’ colleges was rigid and did not cater for individual needs. The major conclusions were that inclusive practices in teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe were marred with non-uniformity as evidenced by variations in the implementation process. Further, that study concluded that due to the rigid curriculum and shortage of resources in teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe, students with disabilities were not adequately catered for thereby affecting inclusive practices. The study recommends that the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development (MHTESTD) and University of Zimbabwe, Department of Teacher Education (DTE) should ensure that there was some standardisation in the way teachers’ colleges implement inclusive education in Zimbabwe. Further, the MHTESTD and the DTE should revise the curriculum so that it becomes flexible and meet the individual needs of learners.
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