Kenyan Government is committed to continuous training of public officers, while age, gender and employees length in public service are universal phenomena, both have been highlighted as vital predictors of success in academics, however with ambivalent and controversial empirical reports on the relationship between age, gender, length in public service and performance in Senior Management Course (SMC) examinations, it remains unclear whether this predictors are associated with performance in SMC examinations among adult learners. The study utilized data from 394 Kenyan public officers senior management course examination results obtained with approval from Kenya School of Government; computed examination results and records showing trainees age, gender, employee length in service and final cumulative examination scores was used. Regression analysis was utilized to establish the relationship between variables and develop predictive model, while Moderated Multiple Regression was utilized to determine the moderating effect of the predictors. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine statistical significance between groups mean; two way ANOVA was used to determine if there were interactions between predictors and performance in SMC examinations. while F-test was used to determine variance within the samples as well as testing the hypothesis for population mean and t-test was used to test significance of difference. Results indicate that age and length in public service independently has significant influence on performance in SMC examinations among adult learners (P-value .000 = 0.05, 95% CI). Result also indicate that age, length in public service but gender has significant moderating effect on performance in SMC examinations The study concluded that Trainees’ age and length in public service influences performance in SMC examination among adult learners; there is no significant difference in performance of SMC examination between males and female trainees. It is also concluded that age and length in public service, but gender has a significant moderating and interactive effect on performance in SMC examination among adult learners. It is recommended that different public agencies continue to make it mandatory for officers entering senior management in the civil service take SMC programme, appointment for such course should be based of employees/trainees age. Further as agencies project their staff for training as per the Human Resource Management and Development policies, attention should be given to trainees’ age and length in public service, committees’ in their meeting to approve training schedules should take into account trainees age and length in public service. Public Service Commission in liaison with its stakeholders need to develop or incorporate into the existing policies the element of trainees’ age and length of service as a parameters in making decisions concerning training of public servants and subsequent approval of training schedules in different government agencies.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2987
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