Faramarz Samifanni


This study aims to illustrate how to learn a language and whether English as a global language can be learned, taught, and valued in a local context. A mixed qualitative design based on the deductive-axiomatic process in theory generation and phenomenological approach reporting the author’s experiences and observations towards learning a language were used in the entire study. The data mining technique was utilized to validate the hypothesis generated. Results reveal that Localization helps to understand that culture plays a very important part in language learning in terms of human relations and clear communication. There is a culture behind a language and learners have to consider this before they study its structure. Additionally, meaning must be well communicated and agreed to avoid misunderstanding. Nevertheless, language learners must be able to have high motivation in taking the risk of learning the target language. Suggestions for future applications were presented.


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cultural dimension; language learning; local culture; perception; context

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