Access to early childhood education, equity in access and quality education provision, is constrained by various factors, including an insufficient number of trained teachers, an inadequate number of ECDE centres and limited availability of teaching and learning materials. When the government fails to provide adequate support to pre-primary centres, schools are encouraged to forge partnerships with non-governmental organisation (herein referred to as private sector) to enhance quality education provision in pre-primary institutions. Therefore, the paper focuses on the contribution of private sector on teaching and learning resources in public pre-primary centres in Keiyo South Sub County. This study adapted a descriptive survey research design. The target population for this study was 155 head-teachers, 273 pre-school teachers and 1 ECDE programme officer. One set of questionnaires was used to collect data from pre-school teachers. Structured interview guides were used to collect data from the education programme officer and head teachers. Study results showed that the private sector contribution to the quality of ECDE curriculum provision in public pre-schools in Keiyo Sub County was positive but weak for provision of teaching and learning resources. The study concluded that private sector contributions to education sector through provision of teaching and learning materials on quality education provision in public pre-primary institutions. The study recommends that public pre-school centres need to work together with private sector players through creation of open door policy for them to invest in the sector.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Joyce Rono, Julia Situma, Moses Kapkiai

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