Isaac Joe Swenzy Dadzie, William Kwabena Nantwi, Sumaila Issah


The study employed qualitative paradigm with descriptive research design. A sample size of thirty-one (31) participants were selected from three schools using purposive sampling techniques. It included Visual Arts Students, Teachers, Heads of department and an official from the municipal education directorate in the study area. The study adopted interview, observation and review of documents as data collection instruments. Data collected were analyzed using simple illustrative examples. It was found that studio facilities and teaching methodologies have some influence on students’ learning. It is recommended that the identified academic inadequacies in the schools have to be resolved through adequate resourcing, infrastructure, teacher competency, good BECE entry grades, allowing students to choose their preferred subject base on their interests and also making available the National Teaching Standard for Ghana book for the teachers.


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national teaching standards, visual art, pedagogical strategies

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