This article aims, first of all, to analyze emotional detachment for a child victim of domestic violence. Then, it presents this emotional detachment as a gateway to a space that allows the development of internal resources known as mature resilience. The resilient space is to be considered in our approach under a systemic approach. This approach focuses our gaze on the "resilient space" system as well as all the elements that interact for the same purpose. Emotional detachment and the creation of a resilient space are two complementary and important steps in building a resilient path. We postulate that in order to build resilience, a child who has suffered trauma in a family environment needs to first make an emotional detachment from insecure family attachments and then create a place of revival for his or her neo-development. In view of the strength and delicacy of the ties that unite family members, emotional detachment (which is not a family rejection) and the creation of a resilient space are therefore a chain that conditions the child who has suffered emotional clashes. They allow the child to move on while maintaining the family bond.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2937
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