The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure the level of avoidance of foreign language learners towards the target culture. The study group consisted of 500 freshmen at Atatürk University who study in education, science, social and health sciences. In the study, an item pool consisting of 69 questions was prepared as a data collection tool. The face validity of the scale was done with the researchers and 3 specialist academicians teaching foreign languages, the items that were repeated and difficult to understand were eliminated, and some items were changed in terms of language and expression, and a form consisting of 39 questions was reached. After the opinions of experts were taken in line with the content validity, a draft scale of 28 questions was applied to the study group by eliminating 11 items. The data obtained from the study were analyzed by item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis methods. At the end of the study, it was understood that the Cultural Avoidance Scale in Foreign Language Learning consisting of 28 items was a reliable and valid scale.
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