This study was conducted to find the possible challenges that confront mentees in their teaching practice programme and support systems that are available. The main instruments used in gathering the data were a structured questionnaire and a semi – structured interview. The population included 152 teacher-Mentees with sample size of 76 selected through multi-stage sampling technique. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of frequencies and percentages. The interview data on the other hand was analyzed through the thematic approach. It was revealed that the mentoring programme equipped mentees to be independent and objective in the ways of thinking about issues in the teaching and learning environment. However, several challenges such as absenteeism among mentors, lack of respect for mentors and inadequate teaching and learning materials militate against the success of the mentoring programme. The study recommended that there should be periodic orientation to help remind mentors on the need to be patient with their mentees. Mentees should not be complacent and disrespectful to their mentors and other staff in the school. This will help mentees to receive the appropriate guidance from their mentors as well as the support other teachers on the staff.
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