Kemal Sargin


The aim of this study is to compare the physical activity levels of university students studying in different departments. The universe of the study consists of students studying at the College of Physical Education and Sports of the Kafkas University and the sample of the study. The sample consists of 600 people aged between 17-35 years studying in these departments. Mean, standard deviation analysis techniques were used for data analysis. To determine differences One Way Anova, Mann Whitney U and correlation test it was used. The obtained data were statistically evaluated at p <0.05 level. As a result of the analysis; Physical Activity (FA) levels of BESYO students who participated in the study were 0 inactive, 76 people were minimal active, 224 people; has been found to be very active. The physical activity category of the students of the Faculty of Education is as follows: 0 people Inactive, 176 people have minimal active and 124 persons; has been found to be very active. As a result, it was observed that the FA levels of BESYO students were higher than the students of the Faculty of Education, to make physical activity improvement programs within the university, the importance of physical activity, to add the exercise to our lives,, can be said to help reduce this difference with less panels.


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physical activity, physical education, faculty of education

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