Students can find elements from life in one of the elementary school courses, life sciences. For this reason, it is important that the quality of the activities in this course. The aim of this study is classification of activities in textbooks of primary school life sciences taught in 2016-2017 academic year in our country. Document analysis technique is used in this study which has qualitative research feature. As a result of the analyzes, the total number of activities in the first grade life sciences textbook is 295, number 388 in the second grade textbook and 363 in the third grade textbook. The largest number of events in all of the textbooks is "expressing thought, value judgment, assumption". This is followed by the "interpretation of photographs and pictures" events in all books. In the least number of activity types in the textbooks, it is determined that "singing" is the first grade textbook. The types of activities that have only one in the second grade textbook are "discussing", "making calculation", "singing", "doing acrostic work" and "doing experiment". In the 3rd grade textbook, "slogan writing", "classification, listing, matching" and "making table, making graphic, concept mapping" activities are at least in number.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1773
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