Spatial skill is the ability to move or reconstruct objects and components of one or more parts in three-dimensional space in their mind. In other words, it is defined as the mental arrangement of spatial skills objects and their parts in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space. 500 volunteer students included from Faculty of Education Primary School Teaching Department and Faculty of Sports Sciences as voluntarily. 336 questionnaires were collected from 176 male and 153 female students from two faculties. For collecting data, Spatial Visualization Test (SVT) questionnaire was used that was developed by Loppan et al. (1983) adapted into Turkish by Dursun (2010). There was a statistically significant difference according to the scores from the spatial anxiety (F=4.296, p<.005) and spatial visualization test (F = 3.964, p <.005) in terms of the departments.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Summani Ekici, Gonul Babayigit Irez, Ozcan Saygin, Ali Gurel Goksel, Yasin Yıldız

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