Within the scope of this research, the relationships between work life quality levels and organizational commitment of the academicians carrying on their duties in faculties of sports sciences was aimed to be investigated. In the research on relational screening model, Work Life Quality Scale developed by Sirgy et al. (2001) and adapted into Turkish by Afşar (2011), and Organizational Commitment Scale developed by Meyer and Allen (1997) and adapted into Turkish by Varol (2010) were performed to 325 volunteer participants. In the research, descriptive statistics (number of persons, minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation) related to the work life quality and organizational commitments of the academicians were calculated. Multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA) was calculated for determining whether work life quality of the participants differed significantly according to their demographical properties. Pearson correlation coefficient was also calculated for determining the relationship level between work life quality levels and organizational commitments of the participants. In tests of difference, p level of significance was accepted to be 0.05. At the end of the research, it was determined that work life quality of academicians was slightly over medium level, and their organizational commitment was at a medium level. When analyzed in terms of the demographical variables, as the level of age and period for working in the institution increased, work life quality was noticed to increase, as well. Furthermore, as the work life quality of the participants increased, their organizational commitment was specified to increase positively.
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