This study aims to determine the effectiveness of teaching strategy with games in the improvement of some physical and motor capacities and among students at the primary level (6-8 years), where we used the experimental method with two groups experimental and control. Because the teaching strategy with games is one of the best methods to stimulate students’ activity and to increase the motives to exercise the session of physical education and sports, because it depends on the dynamics of team games similar to the performance during the session. The research was done on a sample of 32 students representing the experimental sample and 32 students representing the control sample. And a set of tests was implemented to determine some physical and motor abilities, after obtaining the results before and after measurements. After statistical processing of the results, the researchers reach that the effectiveness of the teaching strategy with games has improved some of the physical and motor capacities and among students of the primary level (6-8 years).
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Copyright (c) 2016 Harbach Brahim, Ouadeh Ahmed El Amine, Djourdem Bendehiba, Mokrani Djamel, Benzidane Hocine, Benchenni Habib

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