Recovery of amphetamine dependence is not easy. In addition to a clean life without using amphetamines forever, another challenge is taking part in programmed activities and daily discipline. If the rehabilitation process for the recovery of amphetamine dependence is not interpreted positively, the individual will experience a minor depression, namely mood disorder, characterized by symptoms of lack of interest in activities, insomnia, doubt and uncertainty, loss of positive pleasure, excessive guilt. 21-year-old study subjects met diagnostic criteria in TR DSM-IV minor depressive disorder and underwent recovery of amphetamine dependence. The subject minor depression was assisted with Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) therapy with Cognitive Restructuring and Activity Scheduling techniques which were conducted in 12 sessions. Data analysis techniques use pattern matching and analysis of development results. The results of the measurement of depression using BDI-II in the form of pre-test and post-test resulting in a decrease in depression findings, initially the depression major to normal (lost depression).
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