The success of transition programs into compulsory education by implementing developmentally appropriate practices, the relationship that takes place between the child and the Instructor, play as well as the child’s interaction with their peers all comprise significant components of a well-tempered transition. In the context of the current research that was conducted during the 2015-2016 school year, the views of 217 Greek Nursery School Teachers and 194 Kindergarten Educators, all from the wider Epirus Region, were examined on the practices they implement with aims at enhancing inter-personal relationships among children of early age, in order for their experience regarding preschool education and learning centers to be a pleasant one, while the process of transition from one context to the other, to be effective. The research shows that Greek Early Childhood Instructors is of uttermost importance that they possess knowledge on their training expertise along with the emotional facet of the overall transition procedure. It is, furthermore, essential that they should enforce children’s active participation into a transition program to compulsory education and assist them on obtaining fundamental social skills on the basic direction of a smooth transition into compulsory education.
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