The purpose of this research is: to find out to know the role of stakeholders in the development of swimming performance sports in the Tanah Laut Regency. This research is included in the type of descriptive research with a case study approach. The analytical tool in this study is fishbone. Data collection methods used in this study are: structured interviews and documents. The results showed that the role of the government in improving the achievements of swimming sports in Tanah Laut District can be seen in the aspect of athlete coaching which begins with the athlete's nursery stage which is continued with the knowledge of talent scouting and talent development. While the role of the private sector in improving the achievements of the swimming sports in Tanah Laut Regency is as a government partner in terms of funding various infrastructure development and supporting facilities and infrastructure in the sports arena in Tanah Laut District.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Rudi Imtihansyah, Mukhtar Sarman, Hary Supriadi

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