The study was conducted to endeavor the relationship between workload and performance for university teachers. Workload has been assumed an independent factor having three sub-categories: time spent on teaching, administrative activities and co-curricular responsibilities. Teaching performance was the dependent variable having three sub-categories: quality of teaching delivery, quality and quantity of research & training and implementation of new technology in teaching. 423 teachers from different categories of fifteen universities were chosen as participants through convenience sampling. Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis had been carried out to find the relationship between the variables. It was revealed that most independent variables are positively and strongly correlated with the dependent variables except time spent on teaching & implementation of new technology and administrative activities & implementation of new technology which are negatively correlated. The study indicates that to perform better, workload management should be appropriate and adjusted. The study will hopefully help the university management, academic researchers and trainers to formulate and implement an effective workload management system.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.5
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