The study is about differentiated instruction: the inclusivity of learning styles in a Business Studies classroom. The study is important because it creates awareness as to why learners are failing to understand business concepts in a Business Studies classroom and how teachers’ current way of teaching influences learners’ mental attitudes towards learning. The study used a qualitative method. Business studies teachers, students and the head of department of Business Studies formed the population. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling were used as sampling techniques. Data drawn from the study suggested that Business Studies teachers were currently teaching their students predominantly using the lecture method; secondly, the main obstacle, which prevented Business Studies teachers from teaching by using differentiated instruction in their classrooms, was lack of resources; finally, one of the main recommendations was that Information Communication Technology (ICT) be integrated in government schools.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.486
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