The Revolving Fund Management Unit is an institution that manages the Savings and Loans Activities Program, one form of the program is women's savings and loan activities with the aim of improving community welfare. This research was conducted to find out the implementation of the Standard Operating Procedure used by UPDB managers in providing loans to savings and loan groups and knowing the effectiveness of the program managed by the UPDB in order to empower the Paju Epat community. The research design used was case study research with methods of collecting data in the field through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that in lending the manager of the revolving fund is not guided by the objectives of establishing the KSP. Based on the SOP for review and institutions, the provision of funding from a revolving fund that SPP revolving funds is only used for funding SPP activities, is not permitted to provide loans individually. The funded groups include: savings and loan groups and joint business groups, various business groups with RTM users. While the results of research that can show the use of loans is used by group members to meet consumptive needs such as daily needs such as eating, drinking and medical expenses. In addition, loan funds are also used for other purposes such as buying land, the cost of school children, studying, building houses, rehabilitating homes and buying transportation equipment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.462
Copyright (c) 2018 R. Rahimah, Mukhtar Sarman, Muhammad Anshar Nur

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