Achieving gender equality requires socio-cultural transformation; unfortunately, this has not happened in the socio-cultural lives of most Nigerians. The cultural excesses have remained her bane as mirrored by the title of this current scholarly effort. This current study explored the burial rites in Igboland as psycho-communicating channels of gender discrimination between man and a woman with a view of ascertaining the psycho-social cum theoretical underpinning of differences in the widowhood and widower-hood practices and its personal, religious and cultural implications on the bereaved using the Igbos of South-Eastern Nigeria as our case study. After conceptual and theoretical appraisal of their cultural reality, there is evidence that a wide range of discrepancies abound in the burial rites with male gender at an advantage. The authors are of the opinion that without practical gain in promoting equitable socio-cultural practices, the national legislative efforts towards the abolishment of all forms of gender discrimination and the promotion of gender affirmative will remain a mirage; the very reason for various discrimination against women in many cultures across Nigeria are unfounded.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.367
Copyright (c) 2018 Ifeoma C. Ojiakor, Chukwuemeka E. Etodike, Alexander C. Onyebuchi, Paul M. Obayi

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