The government has stepped up effort to offer attractive terms and conditions of service to its employees. It has also provided training and development opportunities, career progression, and an enabling environment to its employees to enable them offer services. However, their level of performance has not increased as expected. The objective of the study was to determine how working environment influences employee productivity among public primary school teachers in Imenti north sub county. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. This study was carried out in the 21 public primary schools in Imenti North Sub County, targeting the population of teachers’ service commission. The questionnaire was used to collect the data from the sample. It was also found that the employees would like to work in an organization where the working environment is friendly; they argued that they can work better and more effectively in such a working environment. The study also revealed that majority of the respondents would be satisfied if only the working environment was conducive. Therefore, the teachers’ service commission has to look for other ways of motivating its teachers by ensuring good working environment.
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