Erick T. Baloran, Liezl Jane D. Mancha, Vanessa Mary Joy G. Lomonsod, Gielan A. Amodia


Young people engage in delinquent behavior. It covers crimes against persons, crimes against things, crimes against public order, and drug offenses. Delinquent behavior is, therefore, an unmanageable activity that affects the community. This research presents the different experiences of three delinquent teenagers whose dysfunctional families shaped them in a community called “Sitio Looban” in the Philippines. This study utilized a qualitative multiple-case study to understand and describe the different stories of each participant-case. The study sought to answer the research questions about the family factors that contribute to the delinquency of teenagers, their delinquent experiences, and their feelings and thoughts as delinquent teenagers. The researchers used an in-depth interview to gather the necessary data from the informants. Within-case and cross-case analysis were used to analyze the data, wherein emerging themes were created to describe the family factors that contributed to the delinquency of the teenagers, which include broken family, poor parenting, home discord vis-à-vis peer influence, child neglect, poor family, and family binge drinking. Emerging themes were also created to discuss the delinquent experiences of teenagers, which involve theft, using counterfeit money, and gambling cheating. There were also emerging themes created to describe the feelings and thoughts of the delinquent teenagers, which include: unconditional love and support, happiness towards friendship, regrets, fear, embarrassment, and hatred and anger. This study supports the Strain Theory and Social Control Theory, which explain that negative relationships with family lead to delinquent behaviors in teenagers. Implications for practice and future researchers are provided in this paper.


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case study, delinquency of teenagers, dysfunctional families

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v9i5.1678

Copyright (c) 2024 Erick T. Baloran, Liezl Jane D. Mancha, Vanessa Mary Joy G. Lomonsod, Gielan A. Amodia

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