Christine Muthoni Njiru, Jessina Muthee


Previous studies have noted that 10 children in every class of 40 pupils do not acquire mathematical numeracy in the sub-county. Further, among these pupils, those in class six achieved between 15% -18% in Mathematics subject. In this regard, it is expected that for inclusive education; teacher competency is considered a key determinant for mathematics achievement among class six learners with dyscalculia in Mbeere South Sub-County, Embu County. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of teacher qualifications on the Mathematics achievement of class six pupils with dyscalculia. The study adopted a mixed method research adopting a descriptive survey design. The research was guided by the social developmental theory. The target population consisted of 378 pupils, 97 teachers from 14 primary schools, and 1 QASO officer, giving a total of 476. A simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 38 pupils, and 30 teachers, whereas purposive sampling was used to select the QASO officer. The main tools of data collection were: questionnaires and interviews. Piloting was done in one of the schools in the study area, which was omitted in the final study. Quantitative data realized from questionnaires were tallied, coded, and analyzed descriptively (means, frequencies, and percentages), with the aid of SPSS software, version 26. The study findings were presented in tables and diagrams. Qualitative data from the interview was edited, transcribed, coded, and analyzed thematically. Findings revealed that established the majority (60%) of class six mathematics teachers were well trained and therefore knowledgeable to teach pupils with dyscalculia. However, the majority (53.3%) of the teachers disagreed that they were not able to cope with pupils with dyscalculia while a further 53.3% disagreed that they have a negative perception of learners with dyscalculia. With 60% positive cases being greater than 54.4% negative cases, teacher qualifications, experiences, and abilities are considered to determine to a great extent mathematics achievement by class six pupils with dyscalculia. The study concluded that the teacher competencies determined to a great extent the mathematics achievement of class six pupils in Mbeere South sub-county. The study recommended that the school administrative body should ensure that there are enough teaching and learning resources to ensure a persuasive learning process in schools. This can be done with cognizance that government support may not always be adequate.


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teacher qualifications, mathematics achievement, class six pupils, and dyscalculia

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