N. Samuel Ubani, Ngozi Okiridu, Ferdinand Favour Iroegbu


This study aimed to determine the experiences of pre-service teachers in teaching students with special needs during the practicum. To achieve this goal, the study was designed as descriptive research within the framework of the qualitative research paradigm. The participants were 11 pre-service teachers who had students with special needs during their practicum process. Pre-service teachers were studying in different departments of the faculty of education. The students with special needs were in different disability groups such as visual impairment, physical disability, and autism spectrum disorders. To identify pre-service teachers’ experiences in teaching students with special needs, semi-structured interviews were conducted in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. The data were analyzed through content analysis. Based on the findings, it can be stated that pre-service teachers needed to be supported regarding individuals with special needs and how to teach these individuals. Besides, although some of the pre-service teachers were supported by mentors, others were not.


rehabilitation, academic performance, quality of social interaction, hearing impairment

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