Constantinos N. Mantzikos, Christina S. Lappa


This article provides an analysis of the difficulties and barriers deaf and hard of hearing individuals face during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a pandemic situation, apart from the economy, education is also largely affected. In the past few months, many disabled and non-disabled pupils and university students were taken by complete surprise by the immense changes in the education sector and mainly by the innovations introduced, especially in the lower education grades, which resulted in considerable implications, despite the positive response they received. In these trying times humanity is experiencing, the difficulties that deaf and hard of hearing individuals have to face were exacerbated, perpetuating their marginalisation.

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education; deaf and hard of hearing; COVID-19; difficulties; barriers; Greece; viewpoint

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v6i3.3357

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