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Abiş, Selmani, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu, Gümüşhane, Turkey
Abiş, Selmani, Gümüşhane University, High school of Physical Education and Sports, Turkey
Abieraba, Richard Samuel Kwadwo, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
Abisha, Mugari, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Zimbabwe Open University, Marondera, Zimbabwe
Abisha, Mugari, Lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Zimbabwe Open University, Marondera, Zimbabwe
Aboagye, Emmanuel, Akrokerri College of Education, Department of Physical Education, Ghana
Abon, Joseph Kolawole, Department of Educational Studies (Educational Leadership: Recreation and Sport Pedagogy), Patton College, Ohio University, Athens, United States of America
Acar, A., Uludag University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Bursa, Turkey
Acebo, Niño G., San Jose National High School, Division of Tacloban City, Department of Education, Tacloban City, Philippines
Aceski, Aleksandar, Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Aceski, Aleksandar, Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health, University “Sc. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Aclan, Camille Janica V., Master of Arts in Education, Major in Physical Education, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines Teacher 1, Soong National High School, Brgy Soong, Digos City, Philippines
Adamakis, Manolis, School of Education, University College Cork, Ireland
Adams, K. J., California State University, Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA, USA
Adams, K. J., California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA, USA
Adams, Kent, Kinesiology Department, California State University, Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA, USA
Adatepe, Eda, Assoc. Doç., Dr., Bayburt University, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Türkiye
Adda, Abdedaim, Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University, Algeria
Addae, Stephen Kyenkyehene, St. Monica’s College of Education, Department of Science Education,
Adeagbo, David Ibikunle, Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Adebayo, Aderonmu Kehinde, PhD, Department of Kinesiology, Health Education and Recreation, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Adegoju, Festus A., Department of Human Kinetics (Exercise Physiology Unit), Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Adegoju, Festus A., Exercise Physiology Unit, Department of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Adelaja, Abdul Adekunle, PhD, Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Lagos State University of Education, Oto/Ijanikin with a campus @ Noforija, Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria
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