Aim: The aim of this research is to investigate the effect to physical parameters of 24 weeks special movement training program which is applied to 8-16 aged autistic children with Eurofit tests.
Method: 18 children (6 female + 12 male) who study in special education and rehabilitation centers participated to this research. Students were grouped as 8-10 aged, 11-13 aged, 14-16 aged. For measuring the students’ physical features height, age, weight and improved Eurofit tests for the disabled (25m sprint test, flamingo balance test, test of touch to the disks, flexibility, standing long jump, paw force, 30sec. shuttle test, 30 sec. push-ups vertical jump, 10x5m shuttle run test) were used. Pre-tests for each student were performed to get the information about the physical properties. According to these tests, 24 weeks special movement training program was prepared to improve the weak physical characteristics. Two volunteer students of sport science faculty recreation department were appointed to each student for applying the program. Volunteer students were educated with giving seminars about movement training, behavior to autism and children. Required exercise and game materials for training (various sizes and softness of balls, various sizes of pilates balls, targets, various heights of boards and obstacles, colorful balls and targets, various weights of dumbbells, various weights of medicine balls) were prepared. 40-60 minutes trainings were done 2 days in a week. Tests were done again in 6th, 12th and 18th week of training with saving. At the end of the 24th week, selected tests were done as a last test with comparing the other test results and evaluated. The obtained data were evaluated with interpreting and tabulated. The research results were interpreted with analyzing according to the age groups.
Findings: As a result of the work done, it is seen that 8 students (2 female + 6 male) of 8-10 aged group have significant development in student’s feature of balance, flexibility, long jump and vertical jump, 5 students (2 female + 3 male) of 11-13 aged group have significant development in student’s features of 25m run, balance, flexibility, vertical jump and 5 students (2 female + 3 male) of 14-16 aged group have significant development in student’s features of 25m run, balance, flexibility, vertical jump, right handed paw force, 30 sec. shuttle and push-up. In general of the students who participated to the research it was not progressed in their features of 10x5m shuttle run, left handed paw force and touch to disks.
Result: As a result, it is determined that the special exercise and movement training program which was done to 8-16 aged group of autistic students is formed in the positive way to students’ physical features.
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