Junessa S. Dagum, Lawrence T. Cabanog, Irene May M. Auman, Lenziel L. Galaura


The researchers were motivated to conduct this study to help the researchers know and become aware of all the problems and challenges of college students, as well as their perceived barriers and, through information gathered, students in the university. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived barriers to physical activity and its relevance to college students— the 379 college students from different departments at a private institution in the University of Mindanao. To analyze the data, the researcher used the descriptive- survey research design, a modified questionnaire from a prior study, and mean and Pearson’s r to analyze the data. The findings revealed that the participants’ exposure and differences in perceived barriers to physical activity by gender, age, and year level are high. The level of exposure and gender, age, and year level of the respondents are significantly related. In addition, this refers to a person’s behavior as an obstacle to carrying out a prescribed health action. A person’s perception of barriers or limitations differs enormously, leading to a cost or benefit analysis.


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perceived barriers, exposure, physical cognitive emotional, social support, physical activity

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Copyright (c) 2024 Junessa S. Dagum, Lawrence T. Cabanog, Irene May M. Auman, Lenziel L. Galaura

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