This study addresses the significant relationship between sports motivation and engagement among Bachelor of Physical Education students of the University of Mindanao, Matina Davao City. Understanding the effect of sports motivation on students' sports engagement will play a crucial role in finding a solution for health problems due to people's inactive lifestyles. In education, health is wealth due to very tiring and exhausting work and tasks. Sports engagement is one way to stay physically fit and stay healthy. However, sports engagement is challenging for some people for different reasons, including a lack of motivation. Motivation in the sports context plays a vital role in determining the students' behavior in sports. However, motivation is dynamic and different for individuals; it is still considered a key determinant. At the same time, sports engagement or participation is defined as an intentional, proactive engagement in sports-related physical activities, especially during free time. One hundred ninety-one students were identified as respondents for data gathering through stratified random sampling. The sample distribution is classified according to all year levels. The statistical approaches used in this study were mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Product Correlation. This study's findings revealed a significant relationship between the sports motivation and sports engagement of the BPE students at the University of Mindanao. The results tell us that when institutions keep on increasing the motivation of students in sports through proper instructions, implementation of sports clubs, and building playable fields without cost to students, it will also increase the interest and engagement of students in sports, which can lead a majority of students to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy their student life, positively affecting their mental health.
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