Gürbüz Ocak, Semra Yaylalı, Necmettin Avcı, Burak Olur


The aim of this study is to develop a five-point Likert scale called ‘Expectation from Physical Education and Sports Classes’. A draft scale that includes 80 items has been given to 110 students studying at Gazipaşa Secondary School in the Şuhut district of Afyonkarahisar province, Türkiye. The principal component analysis has been employed in factor analysis of the scale to examine the structural validity. As a result of the analysis 26 items have been excluded and remaining 24 items have been grouped under 5 factors. The total explained variance is 49,621. The Cronbach’s Alpha value is .875 which indicates the internal consistency of the scale. Furthermore, item-total and item-remaining correlations are significant.


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expectation, physical education, scale development

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v10i1.4898


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