Camille Janica V. Aclan, Rodolfo II M. Osorno


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning environment and Physical Education teacher attitude as determinants of their perceived well-being. Utilizing quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique, data were obtained from 320 MAPEH teachers of all public secondary schools under the Division of Davao del Sur, Region XI. The researcher utilized stratified random sampling and an online survey mode of data collection. The researcher also utilized statistical tools such as mean, Pearson r, and regression. From the results of the study, it was found out that there is a moderate level of mean score of the learning environment and very high level of PE teacher attitude, and a high level of perceived well-being. Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between learning environment and perceived well-being while there is no significant relationship between PE teacher attitude and perceived well-being of teachers. Moreover, there is a significant influence of learning environment and PE teacher attitude on the perceived well-being of teachers.


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education, learning environment, teacher attitude, perceived well-being, correlation, regression, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v9i2.4562


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