Tebessüm Ayyıldız Durhan, Suat Karaküçük


The aim of this research is to develop an attitude scale for ecorecreation and to investigate the effect of variables on the level of ecorecreational attitudes of the individuals participating in sportive recreation activities with the measurement tool obtained. During the scale development phase of the study, data were collected from students who were trained at different faculties of Gazi University by test re-test method. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis and literature survey was conducted. The test form was applied on 544 students in the first application and it was found that the obtained data were suitable for the factor analysis of the number of the resultant samples of KMO (.95) and Barlett (17536.301, p<0.001).After the EFA, 31 factorial structure was obtained with factor loadings ranging from .47 to .84 (consisting of individual, social, behavior, antipathy, environmental sensitivity and nature communication sub-dimensions) and 60% of the total variance was explained. The internal consistency coefficient is .91 for the entire scale. The CFA after the second administration is evidence of construct validity (RMSA .061, SRMR 0.56, NFI 0.95, CFI 0.97, NNFI 0.96, x2 /df 2.416). 415 participants involved in sportive recreation activities in different cities by means of the obtained measurement and analyzes were made on the level of attitude towards ecorecreation. 415 participants who attended in sportive recreation activities in different cities by means of the obtained measurement were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Independent Sampling T Test, ANOVA and Tukey (HSD-LSD) tests on the level of attitude towards ecorecreation and whether certain variables affected this level. At this stage, the internal consistency coefficient was .92 for the entire measurement instrument. It is seen that the level of attitude toward ecorecreation is high, the highest attitude score is in the antipathy subdimension and the lowest attitude score is in the behavior subdimension. Statistically significant differences were found in the total scores and subdimensions of ATES between gender, age, education level, marital status, plant growth, feeding animals, daily leisure, adequacy of weekly leisure, efficiency leisure, the frequency of visits to natural areas within the last year, the duration of participation in ecorecreational activities and also it is observed that there is no significant difference between the occupation group, perceived income variables and ATES. As a result, when the data collected by the measurement tool are analyzed, the research reveals that the ecorecreational attitudes of those who spend more time with the nature and communicate with the nature increase but not reflected in the behavior.

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ecorecreation, attitude, scale development

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