In recent years, the interest of coaches and researchers about Game Based Approach (GBA) to teach and coach soccer has grown. Is this context, small-sided and conditioned games are being increasingly used as a tool for player’s development. However, few studies have investigated the effect of GBA on physical capacity and especially on attentional aspects. Thus, the present study aimed to verify the effect of 35-week GBA soccer training program on cardiorespiratory fitness, lower limb muscle power, reaction time and visual attention of children and adolescents. For statistical analysis, variables were compared before and after the intervention using the paired t test and Wilcoxon, and the significance level adopted was p<0.05. The results showed a maintenance of maximum VO2 and increased lower limb muscle power (748±205W vs 1250±607W, before and after, respectively; p=0.001). In attentional capacity, a decreased in reaction time (before=707±124ms vs after=665±140ms; p=0.023), and an increased number of correct answers (before=81±20 vs after=87±16; p=0.041) in Flanker Test. The study concluded that GBA, lasting 35 weeks, can be an alternative to improve children’s physical and attentional capacity performance.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i7.3312
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