Objective: The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the anthropometric factors of rugby players on preseason before the onset of the training in a championship club (Kisumu Rugby Rfc Setting: The study was carried out in a Kenya at a Kenya rugby union (Kisumu Rfc) championship club. Sample: Sampling frame consisting of 52 players who were registered in the club at the time of the study. (n =52) Analysis: Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics, linear and multiple regression analyses. Main measures: Maximal Aerobic power, demographics and strength tests of back squat and Bench press. Results: The estimation of this hypothesized factors that affect maximal aerobic power were age, Primary position, weight, injury F (7,44) =.622, P<.735, R2=. There was correlation between several factors that affect maximal aerobic factors with the linear regression formula generated being Maximal Aerobic Power (VO2Max) = 12.12 + (0.49xAge) - (017xWeight) – (0.657xPosition) + (257X FMSTM (z-score) – (0.52x100m) + (.170xPlanks) + (0.37xPush-ups) Conclusion: aerobic power (VO2Max) is influenced by several factors including age of the rugby players, weight of the players and the playing positions of the players. Recommendation: Future research should further clarify how preseason testing and anthropometric tests of rugby players would influence the outcome on fitness before the start of the season which the ultimate goal of most rugby players and coaches.
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